The following surveys are administered on a recurring basis and are identified as university evaluation surveys that support decision-making related to improving the university experience for UT community members.
Managed by IRRIS
UT Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey
A comprehensive assessment of the faculty experience at UT. In partnership with Faculty Affairs.
Student Experience at a Research University (UTell Us) Survey
A comprehensive assessment of the student experience at UT. In partnership with Undergraduate Studies and The Graduate School.
Doctoral Exit Survey
A comprehensive assessment of the doctoral program experience for upcoming graduates. In partnership with The Graduate School.
The Bleed Orange, Live Green Student Survey
An assessment of sustainability knowledge and behaviors among UT students. In partnership with The Office of Sustainability.
Title IX Survey
An assessment of campus experiences related to Title IX violations and an assessment of the university's response to these experiences. In partnership with the Title IX Office.
Managed by Undergraduate College
End of Flags Course Student Survey
This undergraduate survey assesses student outcomes, perceptions, and input on Flag courses.
Student Collaboration Survey
An assessment of student perceptions of their teamwork skills and experiences working in teams.
Self- and Peer-Evaluation Survey
An assessment of student perspectives of their own contributions and experiences working with others in teams.
Signature Course Mid-Semester Survey
To provide information on student experiences in Signature Courses and provide feedback to faculty/instructors.
Signature Course Alumni Survey
To collect feedback from students regarding the impact of their Signature Course on their academic experience.
First-Year Interest Group / Transfer-year Interest Group Survey
An assessment of the relationship between student FIG/TrIG engagement and transition to UT Austin
UT For Me Mid-Year and End of Year Surveys
These surveys assess the UT experience for undergraduate students participating in the UT For Me program powered by the Dell Scholars Team.
Managed by Student Affairs
The National College Health Assessment
A comprehensive assessment of health behaviors among UT students.
The University Celebrations Survey
This undergraduate student survey evaluates the effectiveness of social norming campaigns to reduce high risk drinking.
OSU College Prescription Drug Study
A survey of undergraduate, graduate and professional students that examines the non-medical use of prescription drugs, including the reasons for and consequences of use, access to prescription drugs and perceptions of use among students
National College Bystander Intervention Study (NCBIS)
An assessment of college student experiences with sexual assault, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, unhealthy alcohol use, the misuse of non-prescription and prescription drugs, hazing, and bias.
AlcoholEdu/SAPU surveys
These surveys are incorporated into the pre-matriculation substance use and sexual assault prevention education modules questions. The surveys evaluate the programs, but also provide a baseline for students behaviors, knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs related to these topics.
Managed by Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid
Trellis Financial Wellness Survey
This survey is administered to a random sample of undergraduate and graduate students to assess their financial health and concerns.
Managed by Career Engagement Career Services
First Destination Survey
This survey gathers career plans from undergraduate students. The inaugural administration was in Spring 2024. This survey will be administered every spring moving forward to track student success post-graduation.
Managed by the Office of VP for People and Talent
Change Starts With Us Survey
This survey assesses the employee experience at UT Austin, specifically studying engagement and enablement. The inaugural administration of this survey occurred in Spring 2024. This survey will be administered every Spring moving forward to UT Austin faculty and staff.